“To be frank, from the first time I saw you,
I’ve loved you,” she said. “I adore you!
One quite understands
Why you sit on your hands,
But perhaps I could sit on them for you!”
Month: January 2015
Here Kitty, Kitty!
Her sweet pussy, fur soft as a kitten!
He stroked it, kissed, licked it, quite smitten.
What joys in there hid?
Did she yearn as he did?
If sharp teeth, then he longed to be bitten!
A nod as good as a wink
Although seemingly proper and modest,
Her dress was low cut and tight bodiced.
She winked, which was odd,
A brief smile and a nod,
And she twitched her arse too… which was oddest.
For services rendered
Sex was something she rather enjoyed;
To be called a whore made her annoyed!
Other women were kept
By those with whom they slept,
Whereas she was, at least, self-employed!
Keep smiling
Though they do have their fair share of squabbles,
He still loves the way her arse wobbles,
And how, though she chokes,
She still giggles and jokes,
And keeps smiling at him while she gobbles!
Striking a match
Was she frigid? Orgasm-impaired?
So her husband said, not that she cared!
She was curious, though;
Gave the neighbour a go.
Her spark flickered, ignited and flared!
The rank sweat of an enseamed bed
Making love in hot, damp Singapore,
Takes place late, after nine, not before;
A less sweaty affair
In the cooler night air,
With one’s wife or one’s mistress or whore.
The faux pas
The faux pas might have well been averted,
Had she, having shamelessly flirted,
Not said, with some scorn,
“You seem rather withdrawn,”
When he wasn’t yet even inserted!
Getting back to nature
Naked, no awkward clothing to hamper,
Her pussy grew steadily damper!
They rolled on the grass,
His hands clutching her arse …
Yes indeed! She was one happy camper!
The old maid
As she knits, the old maid reminisces;
Those daring chaps! Lingering kisses!
Her shimmering dresses …
But, blushing, confesses…
It’s mostly the fucking she misses!