It had all been completely unplanned,
She could not, in fact, quite understand
How she came, now, to be
Naked, over his knee,
As her arse felt the flat of his hand!
Month: July 2012
The silk road
Disbelieving, she heard the silk rip;
Her eyes widened, she bit on her lip,
And, heart thumping, breath bated,
She anticipated
The hiss and the sting of the whip.
The ties that bind
She was head-over-heels, besotted;
Thank goodness the ropes were well knotted!
They say love is blind,
And she didn’t much mind
If she stood for it, lay down or squatted!
On her bosom was tattooed a filigree,
Etched there, tattooists of skill agree,
Rather breathtakingly,
Even artists more run of the mill agree.
Those who’ve screwed her, or been given head agree,
All those who’ve been in her bed agree,
Though she’s a bitch,
Though she wear not a stitch,
She’s still, plainly, a bitch of good pedigree.
Long loose labia, looping like frills,
Make him hard, make him sweat, give him chills;
Heavy, full, low-slung breasts,
Lolling languid on chests,
From which warm, nutty mother’s milk spills!
The human comedy
She gags, swallows, laughs sort-of, or snorts,
Wipes her mouth, while she gathers her thoughts.
As he fastens his zip,
She says, licking her lip,
“Well, it’s love, I imagine, of sorts.”
Utter bliss
Children tittered, their elders tut-tutted.
“Like animals!” somebody muttered.
Lewd and lascivious,
Rudely oblivious,
Blithely they shamelessly rutted!
Slender, sloe-eyed, she looked sort of elfish…
Entranced, and by nature unselfish,
He gave her a screw,
Then went down on her too,
And her cunt tasted rather like shell-fish!
Erotic tableau
They were nestled together like spoons,
Her bare bum like two bright, shiny moons,
His huge prick in between;
(This is getting obscene),
Like those Japanese porno cartoons!