Though she dressed and behaved like a tart,
When she fucked, she fucked straight from the heart,
Which she wore on her sleeve,
And good sex, I believe,
And great tits are a pretty good start!
Month: February 2012
Peeping Tom
Naked, sprawled she lay blissfully sleeping;
He crouched at the door, panting, peeping,
His cock in his hand,
But would she understand
That his love for her brought him there, creeping?
No harm in trying
Young ladies, whenever you flirt you
Do so at the risk of your virtue.
Be mindful, however,
It’s now, or else never,
So maybe a root wouldn’t hurt you!
Heaven on a stick
She came just to his elbows in height,
Tits not big but not small, about right;
She could perch on his prick
Like a doll on a stick
Or a glove on his hand, but more tight!