Niche market

‘Twixt the thighs of a maid, there’s a slit,
In whose folds, and a marvelous fit,
Is a welcoming niche,
Wherein, should a man wish,
He can push his prick, if she’ll permit.


It’s the nature of women to bleed,
From the place whence I thought they just peed,
And this versatile slot
Is the very same spot
Where a man, if he can, squirts his seed!

Love mussel

I find ladies a joy to explore:
They have bosoms and nipples and more!
There are delicate things
Like pink shell-fish with wings,
And I can’t even say what they’re for!


Between their thighs, women are creased,
And delightfully springily fleeced.
They have lips long and pink
Which when kissed, make you think
Of a mixture of honey and yeast.