“We’ll get married one day”… the old lie,
She thought, wiping herself, with a sigh.
Still, the sex was okay…
Quite enough, in a way…
And he loved her, he said… pigs might fly!
Tag: sex
Sex was great! Sex was fun! So she’d heard…
But she found the whole thing quite absurd.
All the squelching, the grunts…
Having done it, then, once,
She’d not bother again, mark her word!
The disconnect
“Want a root?” he asked. Rather succinct.
She’d thought love and sex pleasantly linked,
But not so, it would seem;
The brute act and the dream
Not divorced, but yet sadly distinct.
Pass the ketchup
Sex is sex, nothing very profound,
And assuming the low moral ground,
Love or not, it’s what’s real,
Like sharing a meal;
With luck, there’s enough to go round!
Once upon a time, in Vienna
As she said to that man, Dr Freud,
She found sex, which at first she’d enjoyed,
Indeed, quite to excess,
Now, she had to confess,
Left her feeling just vaguely annoyed.
First things first
Love and sex go together, ideally;
Know the girl’s name, at least, clearly.
Sometimes though, like,
It’s like riding a bike,
Just a fuck, and who gives a fuck, really?
Funny business
Sex was quite fun, according to rumour.
Her girlfriend, an avid consumer,
Said try it with toys,
And then move on to boys,
Which quite tickled her sick sense of humour!
Something to get her teeth into
Sex and drugs, she thought; God, what a bore!
She just didn’t get off any more.
Bondage? Fun for a while.
Other girls? Not her style.
Maybe vampires. Blood-sucking! Gore!
Sex and love
Sex and love, not to be disingenuous,
Much as the link may be tenuous,
One may still find
Become blurred in one’s mind,
If the fuck is sufficiently strenuous!
Sunny side up
Sex is meant to be good fun and funny,
Not all about power and money.
It’s laughing in bed,
Loving words, softly said;
That’s what makes women’s honey pots runny!