Grit her teeth, she thought. Weather the test…
Handcuffs, whips, chains and leather… her breast
Will be scarred… The whip bites!
Fuck! So hard! His perverted delights
She’ll submit to, to feather her nest.
Tag: sadism
He was morally bloody impaired…
Things he did to her made her damn scared!
Dirty, painful, disgusting…
A woman less trusting
Might well have got mad, or despaired!
Was it just her, or women more broadly,
He treated so rough and disord’ly?
The whip and the cane,
Though, had not caused great pain,
Nor affected her much untowardly.
On the spectrum
The whole issue had sort of been skirted;
The whippings, the things he inserted…
The pleasure he’d gain
From inflicting her pain…
Was he kinky… or fucking perverted?
Coping mechanism
“Oh my God! I don’t know how you cope!”
Said her girlfriend. “The whips and the rope!
And the bruises and such!
(Does it hurt very much?)
You at least get to come, though, I hope!”
Ripping yarn
The girl’s tears, her forcible stripping!
The sound of her underwear ripping!
The hiss and the crack
Of the lash on her back!
Oh God! Yes! How he loved a good whipping!
The soiree became rather debauched…
Wenches whipped, raped, their pubic hair torched!
The old Marquis de Sade
And his friends partied hard…
Poor whores, underpaid, played with and scorched!
Sade but true
The eccentric old Marquis de Sade
Liked a root, but he couldn’t get hard
Without causing girls pain,
But what’s hard to explain
Is, they came back for more, although scarred!