“I’ll oblige,” said Marie, and I quote,
“Should a chap wish to sow a wild oat:
It may well mean divorce,
Or a baby of course,
But the chances are pretty remote.”
Tag: adultery
He was rough, he was tough, he was grubby.
She knew she should go home to hubby.
She thought it was funny;
To fuck in the dunny.
Next morning she blamed that last stubby.
Madame Bovary
That adulterous slut, Madame Bovary
Could take it right up to the ovary.
To her lover she chuckled,
“My husband, fool cuckold,
Thinks he’s big, but he isn’t, so very!”
Let joy not be unconfined
Lady Lester protects her good name,
And is safe from all scandal and shame:
She takes care not to shout,
Lest the word get about
That while fucking the vicar, she came!
The milkman
Mrs Jones gave the milk-man a hug,
On the very same living room rug,
Upon which, by the stains,
They’d just fucked, which explains
Why she looked so decidedly smug.
Quick on the draw
Though I hate, Miss, to fuck and then run,
Spread your legs, and let’s quickly be done,
For I think my longevity
Rests with your brevity…
Here comes your husband… with gun!”
Friendly neighbours
The decline in this town’s moral tone
Was just yesterday once again shown,
When I twice or thrice more
Fucked the woman next door,
Whom I have from her husband on loan.
Over the fence
Mrs Jones said to Hilda, next door,
“Having sex is just one more dull chore!
Don’t you think that that’s so?”
And dull Hilda said “No,
Your man Jim makes me want more and more!”
Deathbed confession
Amuse bouche
I’m informed by reliable sources,
(And witness the spate of divorces,)
That Admiral Skinner
Goes naked at dinner,
And fucks his guests’ wives between courses!