There was mutual instant attraction;
So much so, it proved a distraction.
They used empty rooms,
Once a closet, with brooms,
In their frenzy for sex satisfaction.
Category: AO
Adults only
What she sees in him
Although jealous and madly possessive;
Though vain, self-concerned and obsessive,
His steely blue eyes,
And the heft, and the size
Of his cock were distinctly impressive.
Aversion therapy
All this mess might have well been averted,
Had not she first teased him and flirted,
But how could she know
That he’d mistreat her so,
In a manner depraved and perverted?
They’d been at it for most of the night,
When she begged for a moment’s respite;
He seemed deaf to her faint
Words of weary complaint,
Which he still kept on rooting despite.
The stars were romantic and twinkly;
His penis grew less and less wrinkly.
Her breasts hovered, white,
Like twin moons in the night,
And her labia winked at him pinkly.
She gazed into his eyes, in rapt wonder:
His sexual spell she was under…
She swooned, in a trance…
While he took off her pants,
And her hymen was soon torn asunder.
Ground to a halt
Naked, sweating, they grapple and wrestle;
Loins grind like a mortar and pestle,
Hearts pound in their chests,
Hot sweat drips from her breasts,
Where, exhausted and spent, he’ll soon nestle.
Not with a bang
It came not with a bang, but a whimper;
His world’s end: his penis grew limper
And limper. “Bad luck,”
She said “Now we can’t fuck.”
She did add, though, she’d still let him pimp her.
One swallow
She might rub it, and give it a shake,
Might go down on him (icing the cake),
But it still doesn’t follow
That one little swallow,
Though sweet, does a boy’s summer make.
It's complicated
Sex involved, for him, ropes, whips and canes,
Dildos, leather and rubber and chains:
She, in turn, understood,
And the sex was damn good,
Worth a few little bruises and sprains!