She was crippled with guilt and remorse,
Which her pain would, of course, reinforce,
For an indiscreet act,
(All now after the fact),
Which betokened her love for her horse.
Category: AO
Adults only
Let joy not be unconfined
Lady Lester protects her good name,
And is safe from all scandal and shame:
She takes care not to shout,
Lest the word get about
That while fucking the vicar, she came!
Said Miss Mosely, “Good Lord, you are lewd,
To allow through your fly to protrude,
Your preposterous meat
Where it may, in the street,
By respectable spinsters be viewed!”
The milkman
Mrs Jones gave the milk-man a hug,
On the very same living room rug,
Upon which, by the stains,
They’d just fucked, which explains
Why she looked so decidedly smug.
Cruel and unusual
A young woman has filed for divorce,
On the grounds that her husband is coarse,
Since he had her one day
In an unchristian way,
After dipping his dick in hot sauce!
He was big and a handsome dumb brute,
Never seen the inside of a suit,
And the way she was dressed
Made him bold to suggest
“Do you fancy a ride in my ute?”
With a logic that’s hard to refute,
She said “Alright. Why not? What a hoot!”
They’d gone twice round the block
When he pulled out his cock
And said “So… are you up for a root?”
She was struck momentarily mute,
Being virgin, and not too astute,
But he had a hot car,
And she’d ventured this far,
She said “Yeah, just pull out when you shoot.”
Her confession at home caused dispute:
She seemed proud of her new ill repute.
“Have you no sense of shame?”
“What about your good name?”
She replied “What the fuck? It was beaut!”
She was young, she was buxom and cute.
Too young or not? That remains moot.
She was ripe and full-grown,
With a will of her own
And a talent for mischief to boot!
The match-girl
In the slush and the wind-driven snow,
With the temperature fourteen below,
Knelt the match-girl, so numb,
That the prick in her bum,
She felt no more than if she’d said no.
Liquor is quicker
An uncaring seducer called Sandy
Plies women with whisky and brandy:
It’s very reliable,
Makes them more pliable:
Better than flowers and candy!
A bit rum
If you feed Katie one or two rums,
Her extreme sensibility numbs:
Just another few sips,
And a touch of your lips,
Then her tenuous virtue succumbs!